American Dream, American Burnout: How to Cope When It All Gets to Be Too Much
This book was written for anyone who wants to be free from the tyranny of stress and burnout. Burnout can affect anyone, especially in today’s world, where “The American Dream” has been replaced by the realities of a faltering economy, breakdown of the family and societal distintegration. Burnout is not a natural state, and no one should have to live with its emotional pain. Dr. Fishkin explains how to readjust couterproductive thought processes and behaviors and learn new, healthy methods for coping. He details both self-help techniques and suggested resources to reach out to the community or the workplace for assistance.
This book was written for anyone who wants to be free from the tyranny of stress and burnout. Burnout can affect anyone, especially in today’s world, where “The American Dream” has been replaced by the realities of a faltering economy, breakdown of the family and societal distintegration. Burnout is not a natural state, and no one should have to live with its emotional pain. Dr. Fishkin explains how to readjust couterproductive thought processes and behaviors and learn new, healthy methods for coping. He details both self-help techniques and suggested resources to reach out to the community or the workplace for assistance.
This book was written for anyone who wants to be free from the tyranny of stress and burnout. Burnout can affect anyone, especially in today’s world, where “The American Dream” has been replaced by the realities of a faltering economy, breakdown of the family and societal distintegration. Burnout is not a natural state, and no one should have to live with its emotional pain. Dr. Fishkin explains how to readjust couterproductive thought processes and behaviors and learn new, healthy methods for coping. He details both self-help techniques and suggested resources to reach out to the community or the workplace for assistance.
From the Back Cover
Among the hundred of cases I see every year, burnout is asurprisingly common thread. Dr. Fishkin has written the definitivebook on overcoming burnout.
Arnold Fox, MD, author, The Beverly Hills Diet
This book outlines the dangers of worshipping the trappingsof societal success, and challenges us to redefine ourselves inways that support a better sense of who we are. It insightfully
explores the attitudes and values that undermine our well beingand provides a valuable guide from the stress and unrealisticexpectations that binds our creative spirit.
Ronald Wong Jue, PhD, past president, Association forTranspersonal Psychology"